Fire ledere om endringene i arbeidslivet

Fire sjefer. Klaus Børringbo og Frøydis Braathen har snakket med ledere i norske teknologibedrifter, interesse- og utdanningsorganisasjoner om forandringene som skjer i norsk arbeids- og næringsliv.
John Seely Brown on Web 2.0
John Seely Brown on Web 2.0 and the Culture of Learning /School 2.0, Part 6)
"I think that the amazing moment we have right now in time is to kind-of go back and rethink what Dewey really was about. I think we have to reinvent Dewey for the 21st century--finding a way to bring productive inquiry, bring the social basis of learning, bring the cognitive basis of learning all together. And I think now we can actually start to do that in a much more authentic way for kids at almost any age in a way that there's truly authentic things that these kids are doing that are being picked up by other kids and shared and built on and so on and so forth."
Innovation - business model.
Når den gode teknologien taper
Artikkel av Espen Andersen i Aftenposten lørdag 7. januar 2006
Innovation Basics
Clayton Christensen introduced the principles of disruptive innovation in his book, The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail. The book helped managers understand how an organization that does everything right—listens to customers, keeps a close eye on the competitors, and invests heavily in technological advancements—may get blindsided by disruptive innovations. These are new products, services, or business models that initially target small, seemingly unprofitable customer segments, but eventually evolve to take over the marketplace