Klima, miljø og forurensning - hva vi vet, tror og føler
Er klimaendringene menneskskapt eller ikke?
Spiller det egentlig noen rolle? Vi må uansett forholde oss til klimaendringene.
Jeg leste to avisartikler idag 22.12.2016 (China Daily og Aftenposten - se under) om klima.
I hele nordkina har det vært "Red Alert" den siste uka på grunn av forurensninger fra biler, kullkraftverk, bedrifter etc. som i stor grad skyldes fossil forbrenning.
Flere byer i Norge har også hatt "Red Alert", og det er liten tvil om at denne forurensningen er menneskskapt.
I Aftenposten (se under) har Ola Storeng skrevet en artikkel som svar på Carl I. Hagens og Donald Trumps sannhet om klimaendringene.
Jeg har også kopiert en artikkel fra om foredrag av Stein Bergsmark "Fysiker kler av hele klimapanelet".
Men spiller det noen rolle om klimaendringene er menneskskapt eller ikke - vi må uansett bli kvitt de fossile forurensningene for å ha et bedre liv og en bedre hverdag. Så får vi se hvordan det går med klimaet. Kanskje det hjelper - kanskje ikke.
Read more: Klima, miljø og forurensning - hva vi vet, tror og føler

Den norske studien om livsløp aldring og generasjon (NorLAG) har tre hovedmål: (1) å undersøke forutsetningene for vital aldring og livskvalitet i eldre år, (2) å studere forutsetningene for dette i ulike lokalmiljøer og under ulike tjenestemodeller, og (3) å bidra med kunnskaper til en bærekraftig velferdspolitikk i et aldrende samfunn.
Hjelp, vi mister jobben!
Hjelp, vi mister jobben!
Teknologi som vil endre våre liv dramatisk, er ifølge fremtidsforskerne rett rundt hjørnet. Og veldig, veldig mange arbeidsoppgaver vil forsvinne.

We (here at Physics-Astronomy) think that change can be achieved by thinking outside the box. We (here at Physics-Astronomy) encourage and motivate people to grasp our surroundings and understand stuff beyond Earth through science, specifically through physics.
We started Physics-Astronomy in 2013 with a hope of helping people, regardless of their profession and age, with their curiosity about the Universe and the very world we live in. Physics-Astronomy provides readers an opportunity to reshape their normal way of thinking. Physics-Astronomy’s content ranges from full-length articles, to videos, all of which share one common goal: to raise awareness about how our world works, and the importance of physics in our daily lives.

Politiske utfordringer
Økende antall flyktninger i verden vil påvirke Norge. Norge har ansvar overfor klimaflyktningene siden Norge har store klimagasslipp per innbygger sammenlignet med de landene der klimaforandringene vil ramme hardest.
Øket innvandring av klimaflyktninger vil kunne gi Norge store politiske utfordringer.
Bergenser gir opp og flytter til Østlandet
Jeg orket ikke mer regn, sier Marius Berger. Han flyttet til Oslo fra den våte byen Bergen. Han peker på været som eneste årsak til at han ønsket å flytte. Les mer fra Dagsavisen

Når klimaet endrer seg kan mennesker bli tvunget til å flytte fra hjemstedet sitt. Les det på FN-SAMBANDET
Fire ledere om endringene i arbeidslivet

Fire sjefer. Klaus Børringbo og Frøydis Braathen har snakket med ledere i norske teknologibedrifter, interesse- og utdanningsorganisasjoner om forandringene som skjer i norsk arbeids- og næringsliv.
Hva gjør gullgravere når gullet forsvinner?

NHO-konferansen. Norge er blitt fattigere. Det blir færre godt betalte jobber i fremtiden. Dette - og ikke den teknologiske revolusjonen - blir Norges største utfordring.
John Seely Brown on Web 2.0
John Seely Brown on Web 2.0 and the Culture of Learning /School 2.0, Part 6)
"I think that the amazing moment we have right now in time is to kind-of go back and rethink what Dewey really was about. I think we have to reinvent Dewey for the 21st century--finding a way to bring productive inquiry, bring the social basis of learning, bring the cognitive basis of learning all together. And I think now we can actually start to do that in a much more authentic way for kids at almost any age in a way that there's truly authentic things that these kids are doing that are being picked up by other kids and shared and built on and so on and so forth."
2007-05 from Fortune: China's new cultural revolution
China's new cultural revolution
After more than a decade embracing all things western, Chinese consumers are turning more, well ... Chinese. Time to rethink the China strategy?
Read more: 2007-05 from Fortune: China's new cultural revolution
Rethinking Globalization
The intensity of global competition calls for a review of your business strategy. Your company's sustainability depends on your ability to develop a constantly evergreen set of capabilities before anybody else does. How do you accelerate your firm's capability-building processes? Your talent development strategy? Is it possible to learn even faster?
What it takes to be great
The European Chamber
The European Chamber serves member companies by being the voice of European business in China: providing a channel of communication with high-level Chinese and European political and economic circles; as well as monitoring and reporting on China’s market access and lobbying on trade related issues.
caijing financial news
Caijing (财经) is an independent, Beijing-based magazine devoted to information on companies in China. The publication's title means "business and financial review." Caijing's driving mission is to have an "independent standpoint, exclusive coverage and unique perspective."
People's Daily
With publication started in June 1948 and a current circulation of 3 million, People's Daily is the most influential and authoritative newspaper in China. According to UNESCO, it takes its place among the world top 10.
People's Daily brings you the latest news dispatches of policy information and resolutions of the Chinese Government and major domestic news and international news releases from China. It reflects the views of the Chinese people, expounds on justice and lambasts various forms of malpractice.
Published under the People's Daily are also ten newspapers including People's Daily Overseas Edition, East China News, South China News, Market Daily, International Financial Daily, Jiangnan Times, Global Times, Securities Times, Health Times, Satire and Humor and six monthly magazines including The Earth, News Front, Listed Companies, Times Trend, People Forum.
South China Morning Post
The South China Morning Post (Chinese:南華早報; ) (also referred to as the SCMP) and its Sunday edition, the Sunday Morning Post, is the leading English language newspaper in Hong Kong published by the SCMP Group.
The SCMP has a higher print circulation than its main competitors in Hong Kong, the Asian Wall Street Journal and The Standard.
Innovation - business model.
Når den gode teknologien taper
Artikkel av Espen Andersen i Aftenposten lørdag 7. januar 2006
Innovation Basics
Clayton Christensen introduced the principles of disruptive innovation in his book, The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail. The book helped managers understand how an organization that does everything right—listens to customers, keeps a close eye on the competitors, and invests heavily in technological advancements—may get blindsided by disruptive innovations. These are new products, services, or business models that initially target small, seemingly unprofitable customer segments, but eventually evolve to take over the marketplace